Archive for February, 2009

September 11, 2008: American Putsch?

Dear Reader,

This is a must read article and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

September 11, 2008: American Putsch?

Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,

~No Compromise

We hope you will visit the new and improved No Compromise Blog  Please leave your comments on the new blog.  Thank you


Dear Reader,
This is a must read article, and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

Shredding of U.S. Constitution Continues Unabated

Please leave your comments on the new blog. Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,
~No Compromise

NC Sez: Although, I do not believe islam can be reformed because it is inherently evil and violent and violence against the kaffirs is commanded in the koran, I do support any attempt by truly peaceful Muslims who stand up for the natural born right to freedom and self-determination!

Bin laden stated that what he did in Russia he will do to America 100 times worse.  Are your children safe?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “The Third Jihad exposes the war the m…“, posted with vodpod

Dear Reader,

This is a must read article and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

Mother of Flight 93 hero calls for “a full and transparent review” of the crescent-shaped memorial

Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,

~No Compromise

Dear Reader,

This is a must read article, and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

Rebuttals to Critics of Military’s Resistors to Usurper-in-Chief

Please leave your comments on the new blog.  Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,

~No Compromise

We hope you will visit the new and improved No Compromise Blog

Dear Reader,

This is a must read article and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

Atlas Shrugged: Fiction to Fact in Fifty Years

Please leave your comments on the new blog.   Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,

~No Compromise

No Compromise Comedy Night

(This post is stuck here until tomorrow night after the show. Scroll down for new content)

Come join us for some belly laughs and giggles on No Compromise Comedy night.  We can’t always take Reality seriously right? 


Thursdays, 6 pm west coast time! Hit the Remind Me button!

Thursdays, 6 pm west coast time! Hit the Remind Me button!


endivebannersmall_copyThursday night, Jefferson Paine and I will kick it around with Sid Bridge, a political satirist  of The Endive website.  In these tough times of Marxist trying to take over the rest of this country let’s pause and laugh at them for awhile too!  Come join us:  


Thursday, February 26, at 6 pm west coast time

Click here to listen

Call in Number is 646-200-4641

Don’t forget to hit the Remind Me button

Dear Reader,

This is a must read article and I don’t want you to miss it so please click:

Oklahoma House passes sovereignty bill

Thank you for your patience while I transition to my new No Compromise blog

Kindest regards,

~No Compromise