UPDATE II: Duncan Hunter has officially removed himself from this race as of Jan. 18. Be Blessed, Duncan! You’re a good and principled man!
UPDATE: Red Meat!

No Compromise When It Comes to Being Right! is officially endorsing Duncan Hunter for President. If any candidate represents true conservative values Duncan Hunter represents those values. Duncan Hunter wants to protect America, and her interests, and will stand to protect the interests of families, and individuals and more importantly protect our Constitution.

The slate of candidates that have been presented to Republicans is wrought with candidates who do not and never have stood on conservative values, and why any conservative would vote for most of these candidates is beyond any reason! Just because the media has picked the Republican darling doesn’t mean we have to stand by and let it happen. We see it as another attempt at watering down our party, and we believe it would suit the RINOs to go over to the Democratic party, and conservatize that party rather than coming into the Republican party and liberalizing this party!

With Duncan Hunter, there is no question where he stands because he has the actions to back up his words! We are asking you to support Duncan Hunter for President in your primaries! Thank you!


copyright No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right! 2008